Good-Bye Campbell Pottery. We’ll sure miss you!

We’re excited for Master Potter Bill Campbell who is retiring to spend new adventures with wife Jane, a jewelry artist who he’d met wa-a-a-ay back in art school. We’re also proud that ݮappɫ & Gallery was the first in the country to sell his spectacular work.

Our last shipment of Campbell Pottery will soon be on the shelves. If you’re a fan, come in soon. It’s always been our most popular ceramics.

Over the decades, this Pennsylvania artist has become famous producing his Signature Blue Glaze and Stellar Crystalline pottery (inspired by fishing trips with fellow-potter Ken Follette). Both are rich vibrant glazes that drip blue rivers or explode with random crystals (shiny as fish scales) making each piece unique.

Devoted to making functional art - mugs, vases, dinnerware, cookware, serving pieces and wall hangings, Bill says “I’ve merely tried to cause a little celebration in everyday living.”

Keep celebrating in retirement, Bill!

- Don & Lisa Drumm

"It has been both a growing and learning process and yes, I have made some mistakes along the way, but I have always refused to cut corners in any way that affects the high quality and brilliance of the pottery I produce."
- Bill Campbell, Master Potter